Friday, December 02, 2005

Greatest Story Ever Told

The story only gets better with each addition. The guys really really have talent here's an excerpt click the link to find out the rest

"You pathetic ingrate, dont flatter yourself, i say that to all my students who reach this far" said jensen, "resolve, true power, HAH!!! dont me make laugh!!!!", within an instant his scythe was to my side, i didnt even see him begin to move, it was at that moment i realized that i was going to die, jensen let loose his scythe and it carved its purpose deep within my flesh, bearly missing my kidneys, i staggered and fumbled grasping hellscream, blood gushing from my body, my vision getting dim, my body turning cold "is this it" i said, "is this how i die, at the hands of this old fool....maybe i should just die, what do i have to live for", then, just then, that person flashed in the depths of my mind," i remember", i grasped my hellscream once again, gripped it and felt it as one with me, a seering heat began to engulf my very being as if my soul was on fire, my vision was becoming shrouded in darkness, my blood rushing thru my veins, my heart beating as if it were about to burst out of my chest, the wound in my torso felt non-existent, the very fibres of my muslces began tremble with overwhelming energy, i spoke "JENSEN!!!!!!" my voice was changeing, deepening, more and more my vision dimmed, my head throbbing, runes began to appear in hellscream, nothing like i have ever seen, an ancient tongue surged forth from my mouth as if i had been possessed,"Jensen" i said,"May God have mercy on your soul"..... My master noticed the change in my voice and my arms. For a moment I thought I saw concern bordering on fear in his eyes. It must have been my imagination because his movements became especially difficult to track. I was only too familiar with this tactic- it is the basic motion of hyperspeed.
I moved into hyperspeed as well. I could almost see him now. Clang! I narrowly managed to block that one- I thought has I moved into a defensive stance.
Something kept nagging in my head as HellScream became lighter and lighter- I must win and he must die.
"Shifting to offense are you? Impudent fool!" Jensen shouted. I didn't even notice that I had began to start chasing him- slashing at him, willing for more blood- for his blood.
I decided that talk was over. I suddenly stopped running and began to chant the ancient runes that were now on HellScream- I had no idea what I was saying but something within me gave me voice to the language.
My master rose his scythe and suddenly immense power from the elements began to burst from the tip. It was his signature killing move but it required perfect stillness. As I observed him while doing that uncontrollable chant I realized that he was almost as bloody as I was. He didn't seem to have been blocking my attacks as well he thought.

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