Wednesday, March 08, 2006

This odd thing we call life

Its really depressing yknow. every day you get up same routines and its just boring lame troublesome even. get up go to work get cheque pay bills same thing over again. i'mbored of it all. sometime i wish i had a job like i dunno killing people for a living for the goverment or something. but then they'ld need me to take the fall for them on something eventually and i aint going out like that. no way. ne way..
Everyday i'm annoyed by things too. like headign to work i gotta walk from my bus stop to the office thats a damn far walk btw but i do it every day to and from. Down town kingston is not the nicest place ohh heavens no. but what makes it worse is annoying asshole people who just stand up doing nothing. in the way, while your trying to get to work on time or at least within the grace period your given. and these assholes stand up and your saying excuse and they're just there you knwo like "duuhhhhh excuse?? duhhh what does that mean duuuhh?" DAMMIT MAN SOME TIMS YOU JUST WANNA SMACK EM UP SIDE THE HEAD. but then your impulse controll section of your brain kicks in "hold on there fella, your down town gunshots knives etc" just wait till i get my katana bitches. then everyone gets it.. samurai style :p.

i'm just ranting after having an bother some day dont take me 100% serious i'm basically saying i'm bored of my everyday routines and i hate walking solution get a car and about the routines i guess i gotta move up so i can get some traveling in my job package or something.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

is this why your getting the katana?

8:12 PM  
Blogger Taylor said...

yah.. people gonna feel my wrath yknow.. i'm just playing i'm getting that for show and possible cosplaying yah anime kills me ^_^

2:44 AM  

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