Monday, September 26, 2005

Want A Gmail Image Signature psd

If you want it just gmail me and i'll send you the psd file, mine can be seen on the right, below the I power blogger image or above the hit counter i put in. Its really cool, i made it black to mach the template i'm working with currently. Word of advice if you do request it from me. change layer 45 to whatever color you blog is in do not make it transparent and save as a *.gif image. It will come out all jagged. and will require alot of work for you to remove the needed pixels to get it squared again.. its easier to just set the colour. However if you have the free time on your hands your free do as you wish.

Remember hit me up at gmail if you want the psd file, Use that mailto button that i placed over on the right above the hit counter. or mail it your self. Just ensure you use a subject like "google image signature request" or something similar so it will be easy for me to filter through my mail to find it.

This is how the psd's look by default but you can get all fancy with the colors if you choose to.


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