Monday, August 29, 2005

7 days or 2 weeks before power supply

Called My dealer today [ bml ]. They told me I'ld only have to wait 7 working days. However a friend of mine had a similar problem and had to wait 2 weeks in total. How will i manage that long without pc usage i have no idea. gonna ask a sistrin to lend me her power supply as she doesnt user he notebook.

Notebook power supply fried

Within the next hour or so I'll be offline and have no idea when i'll be back on. The notebook is still under warranty i can only hope that bml will replace my power supply I'm really not trying to buy that at all. Gonna see if i can get my system a full check up and maybe a new keyboard [ my keyboard is what you call a geekboard, there are no writings onthe keys anymore. Thank god i know how to type. ]

Friday, August 26, 2005

Gudam Seed Destiny ep 44

Destruction and turmiol within the colony as it dies

As the beam cuts the zaft colony

The amazing technological advances that djibril has made with logos

Djibril is such a ass hole,he distroyed 2 of plans major colonies, december and junarius and apparently damaged 2 others. what a bitch.. the raquiem system is pretty cool though to think he could hit them fromt he other side of the moon by refracting the beams.. genius. From the looks of things an all out war is about to happen, zaft is gonna go in kill all humans eaf mode now.
On another note, Chairman Dullidans plan[ Destiny ] isn't that bad an idea, its sorta inhumane but its not that bad an idea, it would be an ideal wold. but if he had his way, kira an athrun would't get to blow stuff up so.. :p [/spoiler]

Orb has honestly gotta feel bad about this, i think they got hurt not as bad as zaft but from the implications of all of this. Orbs reputation has been damaged as a nation due to jona's actions, "taking in djibril into orb when he fleed from zaft persuers". Seeing that it was orb that housed him hence allowing him to escape to his lunar base they are probably blamed by zaft [ or will be ]. While zaft persued Djibril while on orb it seem like an all out war. they had to fight back [ when cagali regained controll of orb during all the choas going on. ], dullidan was trying to crush orb as well , or so it seemed.

Some idle pics i took last night

There was no dinner so I decided to head to a chinese resturaunt at the mall. First time going that particular one, was pretty cool they had some big ass fish tanks there which was pretty cool, had a nice lil design to it. food was good. later when I got home I helped a friend mount his ps2, xbox and tv to the wall. looks pretty cool. We're supposed to hide the cables with network cable trunking or even pvc but we havent got the stuff as yet the trunking or the pipes.

Man every xbox user should do this, looks cool huh.

He's gonna cry if we have a really strong earth quake right... wrong. we made that frame for the ps2 and xbox ourselves welding plant and steel. firmly attached to the wall with some long as screwes

These fishes where huge man. I'm talking slice em up its time to eat huge.

Of course i touched the tank i couldn't help it it said DONT

I'ld love something like this in my room

Game arcade hypothesis

Hypothetically speaking, if I were to open a game arcade, console based of course. What consoles should I use. Do I carry the latest generation/ or rather the current generation [ playstation 2, xbox and gamecube ], should I carry the dreamcast as well? If I decide to go with the current generation alone do I even carry gamecube as its the least played console of the current generation?

Your input will be greatly appreciated, just leave a comment. Thanks in advance.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

p910i successor on the horizon

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So I guess Sony Ericsson who have lay dormat for quite some time now with their symbian line phone "pseries" have finally decided its time to make a come back with the Sony Ericsson p950 - p1000. This phone should be off the hook as the Sony Ericsson p910i is still a compatible force in the mobile device market and can be seen competing with the treo 650 which is a pretty recently released smartphone.. I hope I dont recieve nasty letters from sony re this image.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The Books :)

Yeah as I've said I have been on a reading rampage. So far i've read Angels and Demons, The Davinci Code and I'm no on the Net+ book. Have to shape up my networking skills in aim to diversify my skills in the IT industry, the path of a programmer is way too narrow to walk, I need more ground beneath my feet, so i'm throwing some network bricks down.. Its not that horrible so far I thought it would be boring but most of the things I've come across I recognize and can easily relate.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The new plan

Realising that there is no future for me here in jamaica, I'm trying to claw myway out while i still have the finger nails to do so, good thing i didn't cut them this morning ;). I'm planning on doing S.A.T by january 28, 2006. should be getting my books soon so the studying will comence, on starting sat studying i guess i'm gonna have to slow down in my other endeavours, my linux training, my novel reading, my anime watching, my manga reading.. etc. But if it must be done it shall be done,I need some good schooling still, so whatever the cost i guess i just gotta pay it. I need a scholarship or there's no hope for me.

Recent Anime : Gundam Seed destiny

Seeing that i quit my job about 2 - 3 2 weeks ago I've been spending the time reading and watching anime mainly, and the other stuff that is required of me at home, oh and gym of course.
Gundam Seed Destiny - the last few episodes of this anime have been great. Two brand new gunams are on the scene well 4 in total if i count the enimies gundam as well, [ yes i'm with the archangel/dominion team ] the gundams are as follows:

in order of pictures.

  • Orb - 01 Akatsuki - piloted by Cagali Yula Atha the golden warrior of a gundam has a few cool abilities actually just one :(. Reflective armor, so beam cannon users are screwed it'll just bounce right back at em. twin sabre similar to that of the freedom and justice. and twin bean cannons on the flight pack worn by the akatsuki.
  • ZGMF-X19A ∞ / infinite Justice Gundam - piloted by Athrun Zala former zaft pilot of the Savior. The infinite Justice is simply a remake of the Justice gundam from gundam seed destiny.

  • ZGMF-X666S Legend Gundam - piloted by Rey Za Burrel of Zaft and The Minerva crew, cordinator who's past so far is unrevealed. we believe he might have something to do with the past leader of the zaft forces In gundam seed "Rau Le Creuset". genetic engineerin probably.

  • ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam - piloted by Kira Yamato [ the real ace among them all ]. Similarly to the Infinite Justice the strike freedom is a remake of the freedom with some upgrades. I however think that it was designed using battle recorded statistics of kira's battle with his previous gundam the "strike" and the freedom. so the strike freedom is a sort of hybrid gundam.

  • ZGMF-X42S Destiny Gundam - piloted by Shin Asuka of Zaft and the Minerva crew, cordinator who orginally lived in orb. Entire family was mutilated by the previous war that involved fellow co pilot of his, athrun zala and A kira yamato. this gundam is full of toys, beam cannon in the palm of its hand, fulgor beam shield generator on the reverse side. very agile gundam and looks extremely

Alot of things have happened as of late, well it is near the end so its either now or never for the revealing of the plot line. Neo is apparently genetically related to mu la flaga [ probably through genetic engineering ]. The real lacus has made her self known to the real world while trying to destroy Chairman Dullidans [ leader of zaft ] plans. So its out in the open that Dullidand has been using a fake lacus to manipulate the people of zaft and the soldiers as well. Cagali yula atha [ kira yamato's sister ] has re taken orb from that frail fool of a man jona."who was crushed by a gouf [ i was so relieved that he died i hate that guy ]... I've gotta say gundam seed destiny 42 and 43 are the best fights I've seen in a while since gundam seed destiny.

Moving from msn spaces

I've decided to move my blog from msn completely so over this week i guess its gonna be alot of work for me. Msn spaces doesnt render well unless your using I.E which i dont period. and seeing that i'm in linux and i cant use I.E even if i wanted to i figured why not move from a space thats proprietory to the os and the applications for that particular os.