I've been out for a while. You know i normally update this thing daily but i been busy with some other developments. I'm here to share with you however this anme website I found. Pretty cool discussions they got going on over there and I love anime so If i say its good. Its good. check it out.
AnimeSynergy.comonto other stuff. I was looking at the nokia 9500 communicator today. That phone has wifi lan.. now it sounds like no big deal at first but think about it WI-FI
LAN. Why carry a notebook with you. really. you can do networking like a pc would between other computers basic peer to peer networking. well done nokia so far the other phones only support wifi which allows them to connect to the inter net using a wireless hotspot or access pount but not lan functionality.
Next big event. Nokia once again. Though late, second to sony erricson Nokia China makes its appearance on the uiq symbian os phone market with the
N5708 UIQ phone. This pone really is the benq 31 with a few software tweeks and nokia branding it features a 1.3 mp digital camera, sd card expanson slot, usb port, symbian os version 7, uiq version 2.1 and hand writing recognition.
5 pin usb port for easy data transfer to mms/sd card
Do yousee tht huge mic grill above the camera, the audio quality on that camcorder feature shoul be awsome
Different colours the device caomes in black and white. Where's the silver :|
The benq 31 from which this nokia model was taken. I expected some orginal work from you nokia. non the less it looks good. I hope to hear good things about this phoens performance. Why it doesn't have wifi and the sd/mmc card port hotswappable [ removeable without taking out batter ] I'm not so sure.